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10 Reasons Why People Turn to Heroin

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According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, there are many reasons why people use drugs in general and heroin in particular. Although everyone has their own reasons why they start using, scientists have found some common and general reasons that people start using heroin.

1. They are Experiencing Chronic Pain and their Doctor Stopped their Opiates

When a doctor prescribes opiates and then suddenly stops them, the people in chronic pain often find themselves in full blown opiate withdrawal. Opiate withdrawal is considered one of the worst types of withdrawal to go through. Some people turn to heroin to avoid feeling the symptoms of opiate withdrawal.

2. They suffered a Major Injury and become Addicted while in Recovery

When someone suffers a major injury and is in the hospital for an extended time, doctors often prescribe morphine for the pain. Morphine is essentially medical heroin. This causes a serious addiction, when the morphine is suddenly withdrawn, they often turn to heroin.

3. They tried Street Heroin and Became Addicted almost Immediately

Turn to Heroin

Experimenting with heroin even once can lead to addiction.

Heroin is extremely addictive, especially if it is combined with other equally addictive drugs. Some people try heroin and wind up addicted.

4. They are Bored

Boredom is one of the few unexpected things that result in heroin use. People these days are looking to satisfy an inner need. Sometimes they try heroin to relieve the boredom and end up continuing to use it.

5. They are Stressed and Start Using to Relax

Stress is the cause of many drug addictions, heroin is no different. The instant pleasure you feel while using heroin is highly relaxing.

6. They Relapse from Prescription Opiate Addiction Treatment

Many people turn to heroin when they can no longer get the prescription opiates they are addicted to. In this case, they relapse into a more serious addiction.

7. They are Self Medicating for a Mental Disorder

Self medicating for a mental disorder is one of the more common reasons for starting heroin. Most mental disorders include some form of depression and anxiety. Heroin makes these things go away for a little while.

8. They are Self Medicating for a Physical Disorder

Medicating of a physical disorder that is not chronic pain also makes people turn to heroin. Heroin is illicit morphine which is one of the strongest most addictive painkillers known.

9. They are Socially Isolated so Turn to the Drug for Help

Social Isolation causes depression, heroin makes you feel happy, many people turn to it to avoid or help them become more social. This usually does not work but it seems like it might when you are desperate.

10. They are Curious

Curiosity about heroin and how good it makes you feel often overrides common sense. This happens a lot particularly if you are around others that do heroin.

Once you turn to heroin, you become addicted very quickly. Heroin addiction is one of the more hazardous and powerful addictions to break. Normally you cannot quit on your own and there are many comfortable treatment alternatives. You do not have to suffer through withdrawal alone. We can find you the assistance you need to beat the heroin addiction regardless of the reason, just call us at 877-743-0081 (Who Answers?).

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