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Choosing the Best Inpatient Opioid Withdrawal Treatment

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If you are ready to stop abusing opioid drugs after a long period of taking them, you may require inpatient opioid withdrawal treatment. Although withdrawal from opioids is not usually dangerous or life threatening, it can be incredibly painful, and inpatient treatment can help with this issue and provide you with a controlled environment in which to receive your treatment. But how do you choose the best inpatient opioid withdrawal treatment program?

How are Inpatient Programs for Opioid Withdrawal Different?

inpatient opioid withdrawal treatment

Many inpatient opioid withdrawal treatments differ based on cost.

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, “Treatment approaches and individual programs continue to evolve and diversify” constantly, and for the most part, no two programs are alike. This is important because no one treatment, program, or facility is right for every patient, and different individuals require different approaches in order to heal and recover from opioid addiction and dependence. You may have decided to attend inpatient care for your opioid withdrawal syndrome, but it is important to know that separate programs may differ from one another and to learn which aspects are going to be most important to you.

  • Cost: Not all inpatient facilities cost the same.
  • Treatments Offered: Some facilities will offer the minimum amount of treatment options while others may offer an abundance of methods to help treat your withdrawal symptoms.
  • Location: Some facilities may be close to home while others can be far away.
  • Other Differences: Certain requirements may be very important to you to help you through your withdrawal, and these should be considered as well.

Cost: How Do I Choose a Program that is Within My Budget?

It is very important to make a budget concerning your withdrawal treatment and how much you will be able and willing to spend. For many individuals, drug abuse is debilitating financially, and the thought of spending a large amount on inpatient care is worrisome. Fortunately, there are many types of inpatient centers that provide care for individuals withdrawing from opioids at many different prices.

Some centers provide care on a sliding-fee scale while others may even allow patients to receive treatment for free, provided the individual can prove they need it. On the other end of the spectrum, luxury inpatient centers help patients work through their withdrawal in lavish accommodations and with a number of other comforts, but these programs often cost much more.

If you make your budget and decide what you are willing and able to spend on your inpatient opioid withdrawal treatment center, you can find the best facility to fit your needs much more easily.

Treatments Offered: How Do I Know What Treatments I Need?

Certain facilities will only offer medications to help minimize withdrawal symptoms and possibly drug education or other limited methods. However, other centers offer a number of methods to patients, including holistic modalities, multiple pharmacological therapies, behavioral therapies, and more.

According to Harvard Medical School, “No single approach to detoxification is guaranteed to be best for all addicts.” Therefore, it can be extremely beneficial to attend an inpatient facility that provides multiple treatment options. As most inpatient facilities do so, it can also help you choose the best facility by learning what options they normally provide:

  • Medications: Clonidine, methadone, and buprenorphine are all medications used to treat opioid withdrawal.
  • Therapies: It can be very beneficial to begin therapy while in opioid withdrawal treatment, especially if you require addiction treatment as well.
  • Holistic Methods: Holistic methods, like meditation, tai chi, yoga, art and dance therapy, and others, are often available to patients and can be very beneficial to individuals who do not feel comfortable with traditional talk therapies. These methods can also work to relax and calm the individual as they go through the difficult symptoms of withdrawal.

It is also important to look for a facility that either treats opioid addiction as well or helps patients transition into a program that does. Opioid withdrawal is a difficult and painful time, but once it is over, it is not the end of treatment. As stated by the National Library of Medicine, “Longer-term treatment is recommended for most persons following withdrawal,” and programs that facilitate this transition are very beneficial to a person’s overall addiction recovery, not just their recovery from withdrawal.

Location: How Do I Know Where I Should Go for Treatment?

In many cases, people want to attend treatment close to home. This is often because local inpatient care is less expensive to attend than a program that causes individuals to travel. Many people also want to be close to home so their family members can visit while they are working through their withdrawal. However, this is not always the case.

It may be more beneficial for certain individuals to attend treatment away from home. Remote facilities sometimes offer a kind of method or benefit that local facilities do not, and sometimes, a person may need to merely step away from their life for a while to spend time working on their withdrawal and recovery. Either way, it is important to decide if a local or remote center is better for you.

Other Differences: Do You Require Other Things from Your Treatment Program?

Certain individuals have other needs from their inpatient care facilities. These needs may be cultural, vocational, legal, gender-related, age-related, or fall into another category. For example, if a person only speaks Spanish, it is important that they find a facility where the doctors and nurses speak Spanish as well. Women and adolescents both have specific needs when it comes to treatment and often fare better when they are in a facility with others similar to them. Therefore, finding a women- or adolescents-only inpatient center may be necessary for a safe, effective withdrawal.

Think about all your needs, not just those that affect your withdrawal, and ask yourself how a program can meet them. Then look for a facility that provides you with what you require.

How Do I Choose the Best Inpatient Opioid Withdrawal Treatment?

Understanding what your needs are and the best way to meet them will help you find an inpatient center that is beneficial to you. You can also call 877-743-0081 (Who Answers?) today, and we will help you locate facilities that meet your specific qualifications so you can withdraw from opioids safely and in the care of professionals.

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