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Finding the Best Treatment for Opiate Addiction

We can help you find local opiate addiction treatment, call 877-743-0081 for a free referral.
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If you have decided that you need to attend opiate addiction treatment in order to recover from your dangerous opioid use, you are already on the right path. But finding treatment for your opiate addiction––and the best treatment for your needs – can be challenging. It is important to learn what treatment entails and what are the essentials you will require while you attend it.

Your Needs Matter Most

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, “Treatment varies depending on the type of drug and the characteristics of the patients.” The best treatment for opiate addiction usually entails a program of pharmacological therapy and behavioral therapy and may include others based on the individual’s needs. These needs are what should drive you toward finding the right program.

Consider all of your needs and what you will require from your treatment program in order for them to be met. These needs could be based on your addiction or have nothing to do with your drug abuse. They could be cultural, gender-related, age-related, ethnicity-related, spiritual, psychological, legal, medical, or vocational. Here are a few important needs you should consider when looking for the right treatment center for opioid addiction.

  • Did you lose your job or encounter legal problems as a result of your addiction? Do you need to attend a program that will help you with these issues?
  • Do you have a disability, a co-occurring mental disorder, or a medical condition that will affect your treatment?
  • Would you feel more comfortable in a program where doctors and nurses are bilingual or are able to better cater to your needs in another way?
  • Do you have a strong social support network at home? Have you been having problems with your loved ones because of your addiction or for another reason?
  • Do you need to be in a facility that specializes in treating a certain group of people like women, adolescents, people who follow a certain religion, etc.?

Any of these questions may cause you to realize that there are important aspects to your treatment that you will need addressed. Once you are able to know exactly what you are looking for from an opiate addiction rehab program, you can find the right facility for you.

Deciding Between Inpatient and Outpatient Care

inpatient care for opiate addiction

Inpatient care for opiate addiction means around the clock support.

Inpatient treatment offers 24-hour care, a controlled environment, and accommodations to patients so that they can stay at the facility. Even if you do not believe that your addiction is severe enough to warrant inpatient care, individuals who have co-occurring psychological issues, medical care requirements, or a lack of social support at home often succeed in inpatient care. If you do not have these problems, outpatient treatment may be more beneficial to you and it is also cheaper.

Deciding whether you need inpatient or outpatient care is one of the most important steps toward finding the best treatment program for your opioid addiction. If you do not specifically need inpatient care, it may be better to attend outpatient treatment, but many individuals feel that they can relax and spend more time focusing on their recoveries and self-reflection than if they attempted to attend outpatient treatment. It is important to choose the program that you think will best suit your needs.

Finding the Right Program

Knowing what you need from a program and what type of facility you would like to attend are both very important toward helping you find the right opioid addiction treatment. Once you know what you want from a program, you can start to look for the one that will meet your needs.

It is important to use your resources when you are attempting to find the best program for you. There are many Internet databases that exist where you can find rehab centers close to you as well as information about the methods and programs they provide. In addition, you can also call 877-743-0081 (Who Answers?) to speak to a trained addiction treatment counselor about facilities in your area.

You can ask people you know for help as well. Your friends and family members who want to see you stop abusing opioids and start a healthier, better life would likely be happy to help you find a program that fits your needs and provides you with the tools necessary to recover from addiction. Your personal physician will also know the facilities in your area and will be familiar with your medical history, allowing for another level of insight into your treatment needs.

Other individuals who can suggest treatment programs in your area include:

  • Volunteers at local outreach or community centers
  • Healthcare professionals in hospitals or clinics
  • Employees of your local city government office
  • Members and/or sponsors of local mutual-help group meets like Narcotics Anonymous or SMART Recovery

Get to Know the Program Before You Commit

If you believe you have found one or more rehab programs that seem beneficial to your needs, it is important to find out more about them before you commit to receiving treatment there. Leaving your addiction treatment program early can be very detrimental to your overall recovery, so make sure the program is right for you before you decide to start treatment.

Call and ask any questions you have before you commit, including:

  • What is your success rate?
  • What treatment options do you provide?
  • What does the program cost?
  • Can you work with my insurance or do you provide treatment at a lower price for certain patients?
  • How long does your program typically last?

Ask about any other requirements you may have for the right treatment program as well. Once you have asked your questions, schedule a tour of the facility. If you believe the program has everything you require, the facility is comfortable, and the clinicians will be able to “establish a positive, therapeutic relationship” with you, then you have likely found the best treatment option for your opioid addiction (NIDA).

Are You Looking for the Right Opioid Addiction Treatment Program?

Call 877-743-0081 (Who Answers?) today, and we will help you find the program that will suit your needs and allow you to start recovery in the best way possible.

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