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How Is Hydromorphone Addiction Treated?

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Hydromorphone is a type of prescription narcotic that can cause addiction if abused. Those who become addicted to it are treated in the same fashion as other prescription opioid abusers. If you have been using hydromorphone in a way that was not prescribed by a doctor, call 877-743-0081 (Who Answers?) now to allow to help you find safe, effective rehab.

Hydromorphone Misuse and the Need for Treatment

Hydromorphone (brand name: Dilaudid, street names: D, Dillies, footballs, and juice) is a commonly abused prescription opioid (National Institute on Drug Abuse). When a person takes drugs in this class other than the way they are prescribed by a doctor, their brain will begin to crave the euphoric effects the drug causes, leading the individual to abuse more and more of the substance. This will soon become an addiction the individual can’t control, which is why they will require treatment.

There are both inpatient and outpatient facilities that can help opioid addicts recover from addiction, and you should choose the one that is best for your specific needs. Most of the treatment options are the same for any type of opioid addiction, but depending on which works the best for you, you will likely receive a personalized treatment program that utilizes several of these options.

Medications Used in Hydromorphone Addiction Treatment

Hydromorphone Addiction

Group therapy is beneficial for many recovering hydromorphone addicts.

There are three main pharmacological options when it comes to opioid addiction treatment. These include:

  • Methadone: “lessens the painful symptoms of opiate withdrawal,” minimizes cravings, and makes it easier for a person to focus on their behavioral therapy treatment and daily life (The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration)
  • Buprenorphine: similar to methadone but is usually prescribed with naloxone (under the brand name Suboxone) to prevent illicit use
  • Naltrexone: treats addiction by causing withdrawal in anyone dependent on opioids and blocking the effects of other opioid drugs

Buprenorphine and methadone are the more commonly used treatments, while naltrexone can be beneficial for certain individuals. Only one of these medications is necessary, but a strong recovery is achieved most often by those who also receive behavioral therapy treatments.

Behavioral Therapies Used in Hydromorphone Addiction Treatment

The commonly used behavioral therapies for hydromorphone addiction are:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy: a program that helps a person change the way they think and feel about drug abuse while preparing them for their future of recovery
  • Contingency management: a program that utilizes a reward-based system to help ensure that individuals in treatment will not relapse back to drug abuse
  • Group therapy: a program that allows several patients to work through their issues with addiction through group support
  • Family therapy: a program that helps addicts and their family members learn to communicate and function as a unit more easily, which is also especially beneficial to adolescent addicts

These treatments are essential to recovery from hydromorphone addiction, and patients should find one––or more––that work for them.

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Do You Need Hydromorphone Addiction Treatment?

Call 877-743-0081 (Who Answers?) to find rehab centers near you or to ask questions about hydromorphone or other types of opioid abuse. We are here to help you begin and strengthen your recovery, one step at a time.

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