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How Is Opana Addiction Treated?

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Addiction of any kind is a serious issue, and treatment is often a long and challenging process. If you or a loved one are struggling with Opana addiction, you may want to know what your options are for recovery so that you can begin to seek a healthier lifestyle as soon as possible.

What Is Opana?

Opana is a narcotic which can be used to treat severe pain, but it must be used with care and moderation because of its extremely addictive nature. It is important to consult with your physician before any use of Opana, as it can cause serious issues with breathing, your stomach, and your kidneys, especially if you have previous experience with similar conditions affecting these areas.

Always inform your doctor of previous ailments or current medication, as a strong narcotic like Opana may not interact well with other substances. If Opana is misused or used by someone without a prescription, there is a high risk of developing a dependency or addiction, leading to extreme health problems.

If you or a loved one are suffering from the effects of addiction, just call 877-743-0081 (Who Answers?) to speak with a specialist about your situation.

Medicinal Treatments for an Opioid Addiction

Opana Addiction

Opana addiction is treated with medicinal and behavioral therapies.

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, there are multiple options available to effectively treat opioid addiction. Medicinal approaches can incorporate the use of either Naltrexone, Methadone, or Buprenorphine. Depending on how the patient’s body responds to this type of treatment, one of these may be preferable over the other.

Naltrexone works to prevent opioids from activating their receptors and has been used in the past to treat alcoholism; it has also been approved to treat opioid addiction. Methadone and buprenorphine are opioid agonists, acting in the same area of the brain as the opioid, therefore reducing cravings and withdrawal symptoms.

These are typically well-tolerated and produce good results in terms of recovery, but care should still be taken whenever using drugs to treat a drug addiction.

Behavioral Therapy or Residential Treatment

Apart from medication to treat addiction, it may also be wise to consider behavioral therapy or possibly even residential treatment, depending on the severity of the situation. Both of these approaches can help you learn methods to cope with cravings or triggers, which are certain to arise in your everyday life.

It can also be extremely beneficial to have a support group of individuals who understand what you are going through and can encourage you throughout the process. Listening to the stories of successful recoveries by former addicts can help you keep your motivation up and push you through the challenging parts of recovery. According to a peer-reviewed manuscript, support and community are extremely important factors in addiction recovery.

If you or a loved one are struggling with addiction and looking for treatment options, just call 877-743-0081 (Who Answers?) to speak with a specialist about the options available. Don’t hesitate to start seeking recovery today. A specialist can help you make the next steps towards your recovery goals.

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