Some people are able to use opium minimally and avoid addiction and other serious consequences. However, like the other drugs that are derived from it either synthetically or naturally, opium is a “highly addictive” substance that, over time, can cause uncontrolled abuse and serious consequences in a person’s life (Drug Enforcement Administration). If you are a frequent opium user, it may be time to consider whether or not you are in need of treatment.
Why is Opium Addiction So Serious?
For one, a person who becomes addicted to opium is likely to experience troublesome and often dangerous side effects such as withdrawal symptoms, constipation, dry mouth and mucous membranes, anxiety, depression, and overdose. A person will also be unable and many times unwilling to stop their abuse of the drug, which can lead them to dangerous acts and cause them to lose their job, become expelled, encounter financial problems, and even become arrested.
It is also possible that a person with an opium addiction could move on to a much more dangerous drug: heroin. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, “Some individuals reported taking up heroin because it is cheaper and easier to obtain than prescription opioids,” and the same is true of heroin and opium respectively.
A person who begins abusing opium slowly and infrequently may not experience many issues other than those associated with coming down from the drug, but people who become addicted to it will encounter many problems. And because opium is incredibly addictive, this outcome is highly.
Do I Need Treatment for Opium Addiction?

If you’ve experienced problems in your personal relationships, work life, or finances due to opium use, then you should seek treatment.
If you are already addicted to opium, you will require treatment in order to stop abusing the drug. Ask yourself the questions below in order to determine whether or not you may be addicted to the drug, and be as honest as possible in order to fully see the impact that opium abuse has had on your life.
As a result of your opium abuse, have you…
- Lied to your loved ones about your drug use, whereabouts, etc.?
- Stolen money or something else in order to obtain more of the drug?
- Lost your job or been reprimanded at work?
- Been expelled, lost your scholarship, or been otherwise reprimanded in school?
- Been arrested, gotten a DUI, or had other legal issues?
- Experienced severe financial problems?
- Lost an important relationship?
If you answered yes to the questions above, your abuse of opium is serious and dangerous. It is very likely that you should seek treatment.
- Do you abuse the drug even when you are alone?
- Do you have cravings for the drug that are sometimes incredibly severe?
- Are you constantly thinking about using it?
- Do you become upset, angry, or depressed when you cannot?
- If you have experienced severe consequences of your opium abuse, are you still unable to stop?
The final question is the most telling, but if you answered yes to any of these, you should seek treatment right away in order to stop abusing the drug and begin a better life. Call 877-743-0081 (Who Answers?) today to find out more about opium or to find opioid treatment centers in your area.