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Rehab Centers in Iowa

We can help you find local opiate addiction treatment, call 877-743-0081 for a free referral.
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It doesn’t take very long at all for drug abuse to turn into an overpowering addiction when opiates are involved. Whether your dealing with prescription pain pills or heroin, the potential for addiction remains when drug abuse practices take over.

If you or someone you know struggles with opiate addiction, there are programs that can help you take back control of your life. Some of the best opiate rehab centers can be found in Iowa, especially in areas like Des Moines, Cedar Rapids and Davenport.

While the decision to seek out opiate rehab help doesn’t come easy, being able to finally break free from addiction’s hold is well worth the effort. For more information on treatment program options, call our toll-free helpline at 877-743-0081 (Who Answers?) for assistance.

Inpatient vs. Outpatient Opiate Addiction Treatment

Opiate Rehab Centers in Iowa

Inpatient and outpatient treatment make up the two main categories of rehab programs. In essence, inpatient treatment takes place within the treatment facility, while outpatient programs allow you to live at home and attend treatment sessions around your existing schedule.

This main difference between inpatient and outpatient opiate rehab plays an important role when it comes to levels or intensities of treatment care. Within an inpatient, or a closed-in treatment environment, there’s considerably less risk of relapse, which can be of tremendous benefit if you’re recovering from an addiction problem.

According to the Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration, outpatient programs serve two main purposes:

  • A less intensive treatment approach for people at the early stages of drug abuse
  • A step-down treatment stage for people who’ve successfully completed inpatient treatment.

Inpatient and outpatient programs can be further categorized in terms of treatment intensity.

The most intensive form of inpatient treatment takes place within a hospital setting. These programs treat the most severe forms of addiction. Residential programs -a less intensive form of inpatient treatment- act as transition programs for people who’ve just completed detox treatment or hospital-based inpatient treatment.

Likewise, intensive outpatient-based programs require you to attend treatment sessions on a daily basis. Less intensive programs may only meet one, two or three times a week depending on your treatment support needs.

Iowa Opiate Detox Centers

For most people struggling with opiate abuse, there’s no getting around the need for opiate detox center treatment. In effect, the inability to stop abusing opiates stems from the brain’s growing dependence on opiates to function normally, according to the journal of Addiction Science & Clinical Practice. In the absence of professional detox help, the likelihood of relapse runs incredibly high, no matter how determined you are to stop using.

Detox treatment for opiate addiction can also be administered on an inpatient or outpatient basis. Whether choosing a detox program or addiction treatment program, it’s important to choose the level of care most needed to help you maintain abstinence.

If you’re struggling with a chronic medical condition or mental health issues, inpatient-based detox is best equipped to get you through the detox stage. Inpatient-based programs provide medical and psychological care as part of their overall treatment approach.

If you’re only experiencing random bouts of mild opiate withdrawal, an outpatient opiate detox center may be able to provide the level of support you need to stop abusing opiates. Please feel free to call our helpline at 877-743-0081 (Who Answers?) if you need help determining what level of detox care is right for you.

Your Privacy During Opiate Addiction Treatment

Whether you receive treatment in a hospital, a doctor’s office or medical clinic, information regarding your medical care and overall medical history is protected under the law. The same goes for opiate addiction treatment centers.

According to the journal of Substance Abuse and Rehabilitation, a federal law known as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996 was put in place to establish privacy and security standards regarding the handling of patient information. In effect, this law and others like it work to prevent unwanted disclosures of your treatment information while in rehab.

How Long is Rehab?

There’s no set path for recovering from addiction. Opiates effects not only vary from person to person, but each person must also work through his or her own set of issues and challenges in recovery.

For these reasons, treatment centers for opiate addiction encompass a range of different interventions and treatment approaches all of which are designed to address the different circumstances and challenges each person brings to the treatment process.

In this respect, treatment for opiate addiction should last as long as you continue to need support with living a drug-free lifestyle. Call our helpline at 877-743-0081 (Who Answers?) to ask about available treatment program options.

I Want to Find Treatment for Opiate Addiction in IA

During the early stage of drug abuse, the damaging effects of opiates were minimal and easy to ignore. Over time, these same effects increase in intensity and frequency to the point where it becomes difficult to carry out your daily affairs. Unfortunately, by this time you’ve lost the ability to stop, or even reduce your drug intake.

Once you reach the point where a drug problem has gotten out of control, opiate addiction treatment centers are their to pick up where your ability to follow through leaves off. In turn, the best opiate rehab centers can determine what types of supports are most needed to help you take back control of your life from drugs.

Paying for Treatment

Over the course of the last decade, healthcare laws have made it possible for more and more people to access needed health insurance coverage. In the process, provisions have been made to ensure individuals in need of substance abuse treatment can use their health insurance coverage to cover treatment costs, according to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.

Today, most treatment centers for opiate addiction accept all forms of health insurance. So if you have an employer health plan, Medicaid or are self-insured, you can use your current plan to cover your treatment costs.

Get Help Today

Overcoming opiate addiction is no easy feat. What’s most important at this point is to take action to stop addiction’s effects from running your life. We can help you put an end to addiction’s hold on your life. Call our toll-free helpline at 877-743-0081 (Who Answers?) to discuss treatment options with one of our addiction counselors.

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