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Will Opium Addicts Relapse After Treatment?

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According to Harvard Medical School, “Addiction is a chronic disease with no lasting inexpensive cure. Recovery, when it occurs, is precarious, and relapse is a constant danger.” This does not necessarily mean that an individual will definitely relapse after opium addiction treatment, but they will likely experience issues that will trigger them to relapse or make it difficult for them to avoid it. This is why seeking professional help and working hard to maintain one’s sobriety is so important.

Post-treatment Relapse

Relapse can happen at any time, from during withdrawal to afterwards and weeks into addiction treatment or even years after the individual has finished their treatment program. This is why it is important to always be vigilant about the possibility, to seek further help if you feel like you are struggling with your sobriety, and to be aware of your needs as an individual in recovery.

Opium Addicts Relapse

Having a strong support network greatly reduces one’s chance of relapse.

According to the National Library of Medicine, just after withdrawal or detox is the most dangerous time for relapse because the most overdose deaths happen then. “Because withdrawal reduces the person’s tolerance to the drug, those who have just gone through [it] can overdose on a much smaller dose than they used to take.” This is a very volatile time, and the individual should be aware of the dangerous possibility of relapse here. However, it is still important to remember that a person can relapse at any time during or after their opium addiction treatment, so the threat will always be there.

How Can I Avoid Relapsing After Treatment?

There are several ways in which you can make your addiction treatment stronger, your recovery more solidified, and your chance of relapse lower, especially over time.

  • Always attend addiction treatment after withdrawal. If you do not attend one of these programs, it is much more likely you will experience cravings you cannot fight and eventually overdose as a result.
  • Utilize the coping mechanisms you learn in addiction treatment to help you avoid abusing opium. These concepts will be important in your daily life even after you finish treatment.
  • Do not hesitate to attend another rehab program after you have finished your initial one. When you begin to notice yourself struggling with your recovery, it is important to try another type of program, which could be beneficial to your current state.
  • Avoid the use of any opioid prescriptions or other drugs that can be addictive. Make sure your doctor knows your history of addiction and opium abuse so they will not prescribe you any medication that could become habit-forming.
  • Reach out to those around you. Whether it is your friend, a family member, an individual in Narcotics Anonymous or another mutual-help group, or someone else, talk to those who want to see you recover and ask them for guidance, help, or just to listen. It can lift an incredible weight off your shoulders to discuss your recovery with someone else.

Do You Need Treatment for Opium Abuse?

If you are an opium addict and are in need of professional rehab, call 877-743-0081 (Who Answers?). We can help you find a program that will fit your needs and allow you to make a change in your life for the better. Call today.

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